Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We've got a Log In Date!!

Well, we sent our dossier to China back at the end of February and received word that it made it to China on Monday, March 2nd but we still hadn't heard when our exact LID (log in date) was. That was over 6 weeks ago and they said it may take anywhere from 4-6 weeks until we heard, since we hadn't I decided to email the adoption agency and ask if they knew anything. Kim, who is the referral person we are working with now, emailed me back and apologized because she said she had actually sent that to us back on March 23rd! That's right, over 3 weeks ago we could have known our log in date but for some reason it never made it to our email so needless to say I'm so glad I emailed her....and our Log In Date is March 5, 2009!!

Again, just to give you an idea of the time frame of the wait we are looking at is that they are just now placing children with their 'Forever Families' that have Log In Dates of March '06. So we have 3 years to go to even get to ours and that's if they complete one year of log ins every year. So far they are in a back log and are only getting through a few months of LID's every year. Our prayer is for that process to pick up so we won't be waiting much longer than 3 years but we know ultimately God's timing will be perfect and are prepared to wait however long to have our 3rd daughter!

Thanks again to everyone for your continued support and prayers! We love ya'll!